Digits of Large Sums

Project Euler hosts over 600 interesting math programming problems. Problem thirteen asks for the first ten digits of the sum of equally-sized large numbers. The page offers these massive numbers:


Smaller Problem

A smaller problem should be helpful. How about finding the first digit of the sum of three smaller numbers?


Each column of digits can be separated and added. If the sum of a column is longer than one digit, I’ll strip the leftmost digit(s) and add to the next column.

5 + 3 + 6 = 14 // (4)

// + 1 from previous column
9 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 28 // (8)

// + 2 from previous column
3 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 12 // (don't have to strip the last column)

Placing all column sums beside each other, the first digit of the final sum is easy to grab.

1284 // Grab the first digit: 1

Translating to Python

I placed the original 50-digit numbers into the file nums.txt.

lines = []
with open('nums.txt') as f:
    lines = f.read().splitlines()

importedNumbers = map(int, lines)

To get their sums, digit columns must be created. I added an additional spot in sums for overflow.

columns = []
sums = [0]
MAX_COLUMNS = len(str(importedNumbers[0])) # how many digits are each number?

for dummy in range(0, MAX_COLUMNS):

Each number must be converted to a string, letters, to grab the digits. The plucked digits are placed in their column by counting up index. I want the rightmost digits first. Columns gets reversed.

# Convert numbers loaded in
# to lists of digit columns
for num in importedNumbers:
    letters = str(num)

    for index in range(0, MAX_COLUMNS):
        digit = int(letters[index])

columns = list(reversed(columns))

I added each column, spilling the overflow digits to the next column.

for columnIndex in range(0, len(columns)):
    currentColumn = columns[columnIndex]

    # Retain overflow from previous columns
    newColumnSum = sums[columnIndex]

    # Add sum of current column
    newColumnSum += sum(currentColumn)

    letters = str(newColumnSum)
    lastPosition = len(letters) - 1

    # Save single digit for column
    sums[columnIndex] = int(letters[lastPosition])

    # Move overflow if necessary
    if newColumnSum > 9:
        otherDigits = int(letters[0:lastPosition])
        sums[columnIndex+1] += otherDigits

Lastly, I pieced together the sums to build the large sum.

finalSum = ""
sums = sums[0:len(sums)] # Cut off the original extra spot used to avoid errors
sums = list(reversed(sums)) # Get back in order

# Build final sum
for num in sums:
    finalSum += str(num)
finalSumDigits = int(finalSum[:10])
print(finalSumDigits) # 5537376230

Major Mistake

I did not consider trying the bruteforce method. The results are painfully faster than my wasteful code. Ouch.

Timing in seconds:


According to this helpful StackOverflow comment, Python does not interpret to compute sum(). There is, however, an even faster solution. Check out this answer covering the use of Numpy to beat sum()’s timing.

What I Learned

Don’t immediately doubt bruteforcing. Keep it simple.

The answer to the problem is 5537376230.

See all Project Euler problems.